
Reflections on a Wandering Life.....

Friday, January 31, 2025

Who needs the Bible? 

Donald Trump is no doubt the only president in the history of the United States to take the oath of office without placing his hand on the Bible.

I first became aware of this watching a show called "Vantage" on the Firstpost network from New Dehli. The video they showed focused on his hand hanging limply by his side, as if the most important thing was to prove he did not have his hand on the Bible. But the news report was flawed, because it was almost all conjecture. So I did some research and found a Fox video (below) that shows a more complete view of the scene. The three people who matter are Melania, Justice Roberts, and, of course, Trump himself. Watch how each of them moves and tell me who you think is primarily responsible for this mishap.

But the larger question is, "Why does it matter?" To answer that question, I focus on three areas represented by the act of placing one's hand on the Bible while taking the oath of office:

  1. Sentiment, or tradition
  2. Principle
  3. Law
Sentiment, principle, and law. Why do they matter? Which matters most?

Taking an oath on the Lincoln Bible is sentiment. It has to do with honoring tradition. Does that matter? After all, any Bible will do, rightd? Yes. So the purpose of taking an oath on the Lincoln Bible is not to imply that the Lincoln Bible is any more true than any other Bible. Or any more holy. But it is a tribute to a great man whom we view with respect as a man who wrestled with God. So while taking the oath of office on the Lincoln Bible doesn't make you more president than any other Bible, it deepens the experience by associating with one of the very best who have held this office.

The principle involved with placing one's hand on the Bible could be expressed as this statement: "As this book is true, so my words are true." Isn't that a bit presumptious. Yes, it is. But the presumption can be forgiven if it is a sincere attempt to be as committed to our oath as we are to the very Word of God. We keep the oath not because we are paid to, but because we honor God. But does not the act of taking an oath on the Bible imply that we actually believe what it says? So while only one president has failed to show proper regard for the Bible by failing to place his hand on it, Numerous others have openly mocked the Bible by placing their hand on it, and then regarding it's words with disdain and persecuting it's followers.

The law specifies that words that must be agreed to in order to assume the office one has been given. This is right and proper. The holder of an important office should be required to make promises regarding loyalty to which they can be held for the duration of their term of office. If those words have been spoken and the promise has been made clearly, the demands of the law have been fulfilled. But a strictly legalistic approach to life is less than worthy of the man or woman of integrity that we all wish to see occupying high office.

So take a look at the video below and see if you can decide who should bear the most responsibility for this incredible mishap. What does it mean for Trump and his second term? Speaking as a Christian, I have mixed feelings about Trump and what he stands for. Part of me is frustrated by his tendancy to admire dictators and assgn to them far more humanity than I think they deserve. He did it with Kim of North Korea, Erdogan of Turkey, and now he seems to be ready to do it with Putin of Russia. This is not to say that he should not be talking to these individuals. And it's only fair to add that in spite of my frustration with his shallow approach to Zenensky and his grudging support for Ukraine, there is no question that the war there in Ukraine would never have happened if Trump had been in the White House.

Still, we should be wary of being used by autocrats to justify their mistreatment of their people. This requires the vigilence of every citizen.

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