
Reflections on a Wandering Life.....

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Hong Kong Explained 

Demonstrators in Hong Kong protesting the extradition bill,
which has now been suspended.

Over the past days there have been extraordinary demonstrations in Hong Kong. In this podcast episode, I explain the demonstrations and some of the history behind them.

Here are some links for statements I referred to in this episode:

Nisha Gopalan's explanation of the difference between the Occupy Central demonstrations in 2014 and the current demonstrations.

Statement by the British Foreign Office on the Joint Declaration.

Here are some resources that might be of use to you in studying this issue:

News Sources:

Newswrap on RTHK. This is a nightly radio news program discussing the events of the day. Very useful in understanding day to day events in Hong Kong.

The Pulse. Public affairs television from Hong Kong, with Steve Vines

Twitter Accounts to Follow

Vivienne Chow. Some time ago I was doing some research on the flag issue and I came across an article of hers that was really quite well written. Also, she is not a politician, so she writes about other stuff. Highly recommended if you want to keep tabs with what is going on in the SAR.

Chris Lau. Reporter for SCMP (South China Morning Post). I'm sure I would not agree with everything he writes, but I do like his twitter posts. Following him is a little like following Brit Hume--he points me to informative articles, which saves me a lot of time looking them up myself.

Joshua Wong, one of the student leaders of the Occupy Central movement. You have to admire this guy--he does seem sincere, but sometimes his attitude toward the police annoys me. Also, I wish some of these student leaders would spend some of their energy trying to reach out to China--not kissing up to them, but openly and honestly stating what kinds of changes would help to improve relationship.


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